Tuesday, January 11, 2011

My first cake

So here's the plan.  I will make my cakes either on Sunday or Monday depending on life.  I will then post pictures and recipes asap to keep you all updated. 
My first week of the year I was sick.  So I am already a cake behind unless I count the brownies I made.
Which I may do.  But I have made this weeks cake just yesterday.  It is my favorite of all.  Chocolate sheet cake.  It's just mouth watering good.  I can't claim the recipe for my own.  I have to give credit where credit is due.  So thank you Pioneer woman for this amazing recipe.  You rock. 
I have had at least three pieces of cake since yesterday.  I have not exercised.  Not unless you count going down the stairs twice.  Wait, did I actually go all the way down the stairs today?  I'm not sure.  I may go do some sit ups in a minute and then all cake eating guilt will subside.  Uhh, I already feel better.   Some times just thinking about exercise makes you feel like you did it.  It's amazing. 
Here's another self-disclosure.  I leave a fork in the cake pan for an occasional passing by nibble.  Is that bad?


  1. (Just realized Kevin's name will sign to this but it's me, Raquel!) Nice plan, Diane! I leave a fork in the pan too...it's just so much more convenient and environmentally friendly when you don't have to wash 11 forks a day. I love PW's recipe with some added coffee and pinch of salt to her recipe. Perfect first cake. I'm curious to see more.

  2. i do the 'fork' thing, too! i felt inspired by you...made banana bread muffins this morning! you are really onto something here...so proud of you--you make my heart happy!!!

  3. Yum! I love Pioneer woman's stuff too. :) I make some very yummy cake balls if you decide you want to incorporate that recipe into one of your 52 weeks let me know and I'll send you the recipe and some pictures. :)

  4. Thanks friends. :) Wish you three lived near by so you could come over for some cake. And I'm so happy I'm not alone on the fork thing.
